On the surface, "Ancient Warfare 2" appears to be a direct clone of the similar indie game "Totally Accurate Battle Simulator". Other people seem to think this as well as the game creator has posted on the Gamejolt page that it is not a ripoff and that they came up with the idea for the game before they new about "Totally Accurate Battle Simulator". Still, it is easy to see why people would think this as the graphic styles of the games are almost identical. The game play of the games is also somewhat similar, with a few key differences. Whereas in TABS you place you play through a campaign where you buy troops and place them buy filling in white dots on a grid, in Ancient Warfare 2's custom battle mode you actually place the troops for both sides, as well as buildings, on the map. But custom battle is not Ancient Warfare 2's only mode. It also features king of the hill, where your side (the blue) must take and keep control of a flag on a hilltop. This brings us to another key feature of the game, the ability to take control of a little guy and fight alongside your team. This feature makes the game much more interesting since you have the choice to be an onlooker or a participant in the battle and leads to much more replay ability.
Another game mode is conquest, where there are five flags on the map and your team must control the majority of them for a certain amount of time in order to win.
There are also a couple more game modes, and more being worked on so overall the game is definitely worth playing, which brings us to the price. The game is not free, but is rather a "name your own price" game with the minimum being $.50 and the recommended price $3.00. If you are someone who enjoys sandbox strategy type games, then it is definitely worth at least $3.00.